Cookie Policy


Our website uses cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your device either temporarily for the duration of a session (session cookies) or permanently (permanent cookies).
Session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of your visit to the website.
Permanent cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them yourself or until they are automatically deleted by your web browser.

In some cases, third-party cookies may also be stored on your device when you visit our website.
These enable us or you to use certain functions of the third-party provider and cannot be read by us.

Cookies have various functions. Many cookies are a technical requirement, as certain website functions would not work without them.
Other cookies are used to evaluate user behaviour or display advertising.

Consent Management

If cookies which do not provide basic functionalities of our pages or the optimised presentation of our services are used, the data processing is based on your consent.
Within the framework of a consent management ('cookie banner'), we offer you the possibility to decide yourself about the placement of cookies on our website.

You can revoke or change your consent at any time by accessing your saved cookie settings via a link in the page footer.

Essential Cookies

We use technically necessary cookies on our website to ensure the basic functionality of the website.
You can deactivate these cookies in your browser. However, disabling cookies may limit the functionality of our website.











max. 4 hours



max. 32 days

max. 366 days




First-Party Cookie

First-Party Cookie

First-Party Cookie

First-Party Cookie

First-Party Cookie

First-Party Cookie


Used to track browser errors by grouping all events generated by a unique user session across multiple pages. It contains the current session ID, whether the session is excluded due to sampling, and the session expiry date. The cookie is extended by a further 15 minutes each time the user interacts with the website, up to the maximum duration of the user session (4 hours).

Used to test the cookie support

Used to test the cookie support

Used to provide the website in the correct language for the user.

Used for consent management for non-essential cookies

Piwik PRO

With your consent, we use the functions of the web analysis service Piwik PRO for the GDPR-compliant and data protection-oriented statistical analysis of website usage.
This is provided by the Piwik PRO group consisting of:

  • Piwik PRO SA, ul. Św. Antoniego 2/4, 50-073 Wrocław, Poland

  • Piwik PRO GmbH, Kurfürstendamm 21, 10719 Berlin, Germany

We use the anonymisation functions provided by Piwik PRO, through which, among other things, your IP address is shortened and anonymised.

The following Piwik PRO third-party cookies are used on our website:









max. 13 months

30 minutes after the last user interaction

30 minutes

365 days

365 days



Third-Party Cookie

Third-Party Cookie

Third-Party Cookie

Third-Party Cookie

Third-Party Cookie


JS-based recognition and differentiation of website users. The following values are stored:

- cookieID: A randomly generated ID (hexadecimal).
- cookieCreationTimestamp: Time of cookie creation.
- visitsCount: A counter that counts the number of website visits (0 = first visit).
- currentVisitTimestamp: Timestamp of the current website visit; is updated with each user action.
- lastVisitTimestamp: Timestamp of the last website visit. If the value is empty, it is the first visit. In addition to the _pk_ses cookie, this timestamp is also used to count the number of visits.
- lastEcommerceOrderTimestamp: Timestamp of the last eCommerce order (not in use).

JS-based tracking of the user’s current session; no data is stored in this cookie.

If this cookie does not exist, the session ended more than 30 minutes ago and was counted in the _pk_id_ cookie.

Contains information about the source of a website visit.
Possible values are:

- 1: Direct
- 2: Referral
- 3: Social media
- 4: Organic search
- 5: Campaign

Contains the timestamp of the user's last website interaction as a value.

This can be used to determine whether the active session is an existing session or the start of a new session.

Contains the timestamp of the user's last website interaction as a value.

This can be used to determine whether this is the user's first visit to the website.

Consent Status

Your consent is requested when you first visit our website and remains valid for one year.
If you wish to change your consent settings, you can do so by clicking on the following button:


The website contains thumbnails and icons (Kununu logo) which, when clicked, link the visitor to the external Kununu website.
The website operator is New Work SE, Am Strandkai 1, 20457 Hamburg, Germany.

After clicking on the respective thumbnail or icon, a new browser tab opens to our company profile on Kununu. By doing so, you will leave our website.
We therefore have no influence on any data processing and transfer carried out by Kununu.
Further information on the processing of your personal data by Kununu can be found here:


The website contains thumbnails and icons (LinkedIn logo) which, when clicked, link the visitor to the external LinkedIn website.
The website operator is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

After clicking on the respective thumbnail or icon, a new browser tab opens to our company profile on LinkedIn. By doing so, you will leave our website.
We therefore have no influence on any data processing and transfer carried out by LinkedIn.
Further information on the processing of your personal data by LinkedIn can be found here: